Critical Home Repair Restores Penny’s Sense of Safety at Home

Sometimes, we only know what we take for granted once it becomes challenging. For Penny Halterman, a typical evening at home took a dramatic twist when navigating the stairs; she tripped over her cat and tumbled to the bottom. The fall left her with a broken leg, which was accompanied by some challenges and a what-if: What if Penny had something to lean on?

"After I had injured myself, I was definitely crawling up the porch steps," she begins, recalling that she had to use a sled to drag her groceries up her front porch steps. Recognizing Penny's need for support, we installed railings for her inside the stairwell and back porch. These railings have comforted and helped her feel confident to navigate her home again.

Cases like Penny’s are only possible because of the donations made to Habitat for Humanity. Without our donors, we would be unable to offer this level of assistance to people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to attain it.

“It means a lot. I always use the railings going outside and the railing on the porch. It's hard to describe how grateful I am." Penny's smile and her home's reestablished safety and security are why Habitat for Humanity's Critical Home Repair program exists.


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